Why independent artists love our services.

Release It Yourself is the easiest way to get your music live on all music stores & platforms.


Fast delivery

We will have your release available on most digital music services within 2-7 days. Some even faster. Simply upload your release and let us take care of the rest!


Personal support

We are here to help if you have any questions. We are real people with lots of experience and ideas of how to reach success as an independent artist or band. 


Get discovered

With direct access to many of the most interesting labels and A&Rs around the world, we create opportunities that will boost your career. 


100% independent

Most distributors are controlled by the three (3) major music corporations. We are not. With us you stay truly independent – and still open for great opportunities. 


Extra services

Do you need help with more than distribution? No worries – we have a network of professionals that can help you with anything from cover artworks and music videos to mastering and promotion. Check out our services below.

Funding & support

We know what it's like being on a tight budget. Even a small financial support can make a huge difference. We help new artists and talent with financing, to support their recordings & releases. Get in touch for more info.  

Advisory team

We have a team of experts ready to help you in your next steps in the music industry. Ranging from labels and managers to promotors and PR companies. We follow all releases closely. Ready to help you reach next level. 

No login

Releseityourself.com = As easy as 1-2-3. Our digital distribution service for artists is as simple as can be. No logins or passwords needed. Simply upload your songs to us and we will take care of the rest. Sign up now!